Your most frequently asked questions answered here.

Including THE most frequently asked question:


Is it Really Possible to See Progress in 2-3 Weeks?

Absolutely. Many families see significant improvement within the first week alone, and the following weeks are used to fine tune our naps, your schedule and allow your little one ample time to feel confident in their new skills.

What if I Need Extra Support?

Just say the word! I offer several variations of additional support including: Night One Virtual Support, Half-Night In Home Consultations, Extra Weeks of Coaching Support, Refresher Coaching calls for previous clients, Retainer Packages and Nursery Evaluations.

Do I Have to Use CIO?

Heck NO. It might work for some families, but honestly I just don’t think it is necessary. I provide a Parent Present Approach that provides support and guidance for your child (hello, PARENTING) as he or she works toward a delightful night’s rest! We can still see results while being there for our children.

Do I Have to Stop Breastfeeding?

No way jose. Again, totally unnecessary. There is absolutely no need to stop breastfeeding just because we are working on sleep. You really can have the BEST OF ALL WORLDS. Each customized sleep plan takes your feeding method into consideration and works WITH your feeding plan, not against it.

Do I Have to Eliminate all Night Feeds? Can I if We’re Ready?

Many babies begin to naturally drop night feeds as they learn how to connect sleep cycles and return to sleep under their own control in the night. Night feedings are incorporated into your personalized sleep plan per your child’s development. Your consultation will walk you through HOW to provide night feedings so that baby can explore moving them out as he is or she is ready to do so. Night feeds can be strategically moved out if baby is of a healthy weight, growing well and parents are on board.

Does This Mean I’ll Never Have Flexibility Around Sleep Again?

Actually, it is usually the opposite. Okay, okay-- during our time together I do ask for a fair amount of consistency around bedtime and naps. BUT…. The reason we do this is to provide a clear and concise message to baby as he or she learns new sleep skills! When baby is sleeping smoothly through the night and taking amazing naps, you can absolutely look forward to more flexibility down the line! Many families actually find that working on sleep skill opens a whole new level of flexibility as baby is able to rely upon herself in any new situation and a well rested baby is better able to cope with a change in environment or schedule down the line.

How is Working with a Sleep Coach Different than Reading a Book/Blog on Sleep?

Think about sleep as a puzzle. There are a lot of little pieces that add up to the big picture. Will a book or blog help you identify some of the pieces? You bet. Will it assemble your puzzle with you? Nope. And what if your pieces look different than the blogger’s did? Maybe your puzzle pieces are bigger or smaller.  Maybe your puzzle pieces go to daycare and hers didn’t. 

Here is where an Expert Sleep Coach can help you identify all the pieces for your family and help guide you toward a completed puzzle. 

If you run into a sticky section, I can give you a strategy that will help you continue to move forward instead of giving up (ANSWER: it’s the foundational border first, then the middle pieces-- anyone who does a puzzle differently is a monster). 

I love working with families on a 1:1 basis because I am able to find a sleep strategy that works for YOU. Sleep journeys are often very specific for each child and what works well for one might not for another. I want YOUR family to find success with a strategy that works well for your kiddo and that you can feel good about as a parent!