“I needed to teach my children to sleep well, because I’m their mom. It’s my job to parent them well and what we were doing just wasn’t working for any of us.”

— Elizabeth Bine

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Meet Elizabeth

Certified Sleep Consultant || Mom of 2 || Wife || Founder of EB Sleep Consulting


My name is Elizabeth – my friends call me Liz, my mom calls me Diz, and if you’re really lucky, I’ll let you call me Lizzie. I also respond to “Mommy” and the occasional “hey you”. You can call me whatever you want—but preferably “my amazing sleep coach who showed me how to get that sleep baby!” 

But for real, I am a Pediatric Sleep Consultant, and a recovering Sleep Deprived Mama. When my daughter was an itty bitty (9 shortish, longish years ago), she would stay awake for HOURS on end. EVERY DAY. And lose her ever-loving mind every afternoon. Bedtime was like clock work: Put her down to sleep; have her wake 45 minutes later on the dot, and then scramble to figure out how to get her back down to sleep again without the faintest idea of HOW to get that done. Our disastrous nightly routine was so reliable you could set your watch to it. 

We were all exhausted and we were clueless of how to change the rut we were in. Until we decided to teach our daughter that sleep was the answer to how awful she felt (and she did feel awful—I could tell by all the crying).  So we taught her. And she learned. And we all slept better. And she was more content with her days. And I did better as a mom. And we all did better as a family. 

When my son was born 2 and a half years later, I was determined not to let us both suffer the same way we had the first time around. We began implementing what I had learned with my daughter IMMEDIATELY. And y’all—I am not even lying when I tell you my son is the BEST sleeper to this day! He is the kind of kid who says “Mommy, I’m tired, will you put me to bed?” So I do. And then I do a victory lap around the living room because Damn, it feels good

I may be a work from home mom with two kids, complete with high waisted jeans and getting excited about getting a new vacuum cleaner, but I can still rap some 90’s music with the best of them. My kids roll their eyes at me and beg me to stop, but there ain’t no stoppin’ this Sleep Coach. When I am not helping families #getthatsleepbaby, I love to read, watch my kids out on the field, drink beer with my husband and takes naps (my reward for my efforts when my kids were babies). 

So can I ask you a question? Is what you are doing now working for your family? 

Don’t be afraid to dream big--  How would a good night’s rest change your life? Maybe it would help you be the parent you want to be. Maybe your kiddo would finally nail that new development he’s been working on.  Maybe it would help you remember that you’re still the badass mom you’ve always been. I know it did for me.

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Elizabeth, Greg, Violet & George

The Bine Family